Thursday, May 13, 2004

Why does it matter?

Often I wonder why it even matters, my thoughts, the things I care about. I mean why would it matter to other people?

Why do we all just keep going when we know everything is impermanent? How do we make ourselves do the things we really don't want to, just because we should? Why do we honor right or wrong, when we know how easily and quickly those concepts can be warped by our perceptions? Why do we continue to care?

Heather Lewis, the author of "House Rules" (Doubleday) answered this question well in an interview several years ago, with a phrase that's stuck with me all this time. The dilemma right now is "Do you choose fear or do you choose faith?" There are not many concrete reasons to be hopeful, but because of that, it's like you have to. The alternative is dark.


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